You take a breath before you knock on the Headmistress's door. You know you deserve your punishment and you worry about your erection. When I say “Come in!” You’ll feel it in the pit of your stomach, your knees may even tremble. You open my door and take a breath as you are confronted by the Headmistress Domme London you have craved.

Old Fashioned Punishment
There was something about school that made you feel safe. No decisions to make and plenty of your time occupied. Perhaps it was here your fantasy was born and you’ve held on to it and developed it till the point you have to make it happen.
I am your Headmistress. One who believes in old-fashioned punishment. Alas, 6 of the best is not enough for you. I enjoy beating ‘boys’. Your pain is my excitement and you will be expected to give more of that pain than you thought you could manage.
Your bottom will be bare for your punishments, well… eventually.

Report for Painful Pleasure
You will find my presence dominates and my voice controls (something about my German accent). There will be no rush when you report to my ‘study’. We will go over your misdemeanours. Your punishment will be more fulfilling if these are real misdemeanours you have committed in the recent past. Then, after verbal admonishment, I will decide on the form of punishment you will undergo.
Spanking or caning? Don’t be silly. You will receive both. We are most likely to start with you over my knee, once you have removed your trousers. You are likely to catch a glimpse of my stocking tops, suspenders and white thighs, perhaps a peak of more. You will be excited. I will note your excitement and inflict more pain to teach you another lesson.
Then the pain starts.

Strict Headmistress
I have many implements at my disposal as you will note them on the table next to me. But the one you should be most wary you should be should be my hand. I have many testimonials from my ‘boys’ stating I am the hardest hand spanker in London.
A strict Headmistress has to know how to punish you and to what degree. A hand-spanking from me is memorable but what implement should I follow up with?
I pull your pants down. I have decided to use the traditional slipper on your reddening buttocks. I may take a little break and give you a few seconds to catch your breath before I escalate your discomfort. I would expect you to start squirming and gasping. I think my favourite leather paddle, we will impart in your obedience and promises to be a ‘good boy’
Corner Time Focuses the Mind
Pants around your knees and hands on your head you will “STAND STRAIGHT” under my school clock. You can then ponder the main event, the cane.
You will hear my high heels tapping as I cross my study’s wooden floor. I will select the canes I am going to use. That’s right, plural, a selection picked just for you. You have to learn. The punishment must be real and it must be painful.
I will be quite excited at this time seeing you half naked and fearful. What happens next will depend on the state of your body and mind.
The Cane
You will be instructed to mount the punishment bench. I will secure you with wide leather straps. We don’t want you moving too much. O’, yes you are going to move, squirm is a better word and I plan my punishment to ensure you make some noises of pain. That’s my pleasure.
My selection of canes is vast from the reformatory and prison-type Dragon canes all the way down to the traditional crook-handled school cane, used for first-timers.
I may commit to a certain amount of cane strokes for your red buttocks but I am more likely to switch canes and amount of strokes while admonishing you and/or praising you for taking your punishment well.
The strokes mount, and thin red stripes appear on your bottom. I enjoy seeing the weals appear. You will be leaving with a sore, well-punished bottom, the weals evident for some time.

Corporal Punishment Variations
I am an experienced Corporal Punishment Mistress and have gathered many implements and techniques. You can request certain physical punishment implements and I will be happy to use them on you. From floggers and tawses to prison straps and crops, paddles leather and wood. So much to choose from and with notice and an extra fee a proper birch can be provided.
BDSM Opportunities
You may wish to stay within the realms of the Headmistress and accept her severe physical punishment but you may also wish to experience some other BDSM practices. Look around my website for what is on offer.
Respect and Humour
I expect total respect, good manners, exceptional hygiene and a sense of humour should be present.
Contact me to bring your fantasy, your needs and dreams into the real world. I will make it happen and remember if you wish your Headmistress to dress in a certain way I will be happy to oblige if I can.
You will be looked after once your punishment is complete and be sent back into the world feeling more alive…
Miss K Stinger
Headmistress Domme London